At 08:20 PM 9/03/2002 +0300, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>Should we wait for Keyman 6 to type Old Persian in the same applications
>because this script is in Plane 1?

Peter's summary of Keyman 5's plane 1-16 support is not quite correct.  Keyman 5 does 
support planes 1-16 in most circumstances (it uses UTF-32 in its keyboard 
description), except with WM_UNICHAR (which is not relevant under Windows 2000/XP).  
There are also some caveats to remember:

1. As Windows uses UTF-16 in most situations, most applications treat non-BMP 
characters as two separate characters for editing purposes, although the renderer in 
Win2k and XP can display it as the correct character.  This means that two backspaces 
are needed, for instance, to delete the whole character.  Keyman 5 uses 2 backspaces 
when it needs to delete characters (such as when doing character combining), as when 
it was released, I was not aware of any major application that handled editing 
surrogate pairs correctly.  Keyman 6 will handle this better with Text Services 
Framework support.

2. The renderer for Win2k does not display surrogate pairs as a single character 
unless you change a registry setting.  See 
for further details.

3. Some of Keyman 5's more advanced functionality does support non-BMP characters 
correctly, including index() and any().  Keyman 6 does fix this.  (I expect this is 
what Peter was thinking of.)


Marc Durdin

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