Why so many discussions for a symbol that has always been drawn with lots of
free variations on lots of supports and is not even governed by a rule beside
its weak ressemblance to other members of the symbol family? 24B6 is as
acceptable as a variation of a "standard" symbol that does not exist and was
never designed as a logo.

Could we get back to encoding real languages and that are still missing support
for their script in Unicode? Wasn't the new subject of Mendé Kikakui not more
valuable in Unicode discussions?
As well as the many other missing African and Asian scripts (Africa really
missing lots of efforts to support its endangered culture which is still
actually used TODAY and with a long history...)

Let's hope we'll not have to work later on extinct languages for Africa. With
some efforts, I think we should keep the memory of this culture from the people
that still have the memory of it, and that could help preserving their
knowledge. Isn't there some active Unesco member working and helping here?

Or some connected searches in African schools and libraries (Cairo? Cape Town?
Tunis? Casablanca? Algiers? Tananarivo? Mauritius? Brazzaville? i.e. places
where Internet is better developped and accessible than in the rest of Africa)
which may already have some good contacts with searchers around the world, or
with emigrated African communities?

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