From: "saqqara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is one example where colour support in fonts would be useful. A
> addition to the OpenType specifications if any readers here have influence
> on such matters.
> Something I have a vested interest in with my own focus on Ancient
> Hieroglyphs.

No need for that; markup can be made to allow selecting primary or secondary
colors, and fonts don't need to encode color directly, but instead a set of
related glyphs with their indexed color information; it's up to the styling
renderer to allow specifying these colors, or give them some defaults.

In classic text renderers we specify only 1 color, which apply to the whole
glyph, but a font could specify the behavior of this color style face to
internal color indexes (for example, a unique "black" color could be
transformed by a renderer as a shade of black computed with help of the
font's color information; classic fonts don't have this information and do
not map a style color to an effective glyph color with a transformation
function, but this is a possible extension of font formats).

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