No, it was a Linton's, complete with conveyor belt...
 -----Original Message-----
 Sent: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [UC] More about the liquor store/mosque
 > > How about the old Linton's (or was it Horn & Hardart?) > building near 
 > > 40th & Chestnut -- 
 it was a horn and hardart (plus the adjacent space) -- I think you can even 
make out the words horn and hardart from the old holes in the dark strip above 
the entranceway... 
 from Almanac, Vol. 45, No. 9, October 27, 1998 
 > The University City District (UCD), created last year to 
 > "promote positive change" in the area, will soon have a 
 > centralized location for its work with over 100 
 > institutions, businesses and community representatives: 
 > in a onetime Horn & Hardart at 3940-42 Chestnut Street, 
 > where ground was broken on October 21. Paul Steege and 
 > Associates are architects for the combined renovation and 
 > new construction of the 10,000 square-foot facility 
 > scheduled for completion in May 1999. UCD Executive 
 > Director said it will provide locker room and roll call 
 > space for UCD's 40 Safety Ambassadors as well as for 25 
 > officers from the Philadelphia Police Department, and a 
 > lieutenant and two sergeants. The properties are being 
 > donated to the UCD by Penn, with financing provided by 
 > Penn for the $1.7 million project. The challenge now, 
 > said Penn EVP John Fry, is to raise funds from 
 > corporations, foundations and others "to improve public 
 > safety and quality of life in University City." 
 - - - - - 
 from the dp, 6/17/99 
 > UCD celebrates opening of new headquarters 
 > >> The center, located at 3940-42 Chestnut Street, is a 
 >> combination of a one-story renovated building -- formerly 
 >> occupied by a Horn & Hardart restaurant -- and a new, 
 >> single-story addition. The building covers a total of 10,000 
 >> square feet. 
 >> >> The building cost $1.3 million to construct, while another 
 >> $400,000 was put towards furnishing and supplying the 
 >> center. The construction was funded through a no-interest 
 >> loan by the University. The UCD will pay the building's 
 >> operational costs and will repay the University through 
 >> corporate and foundation funding. 
 >> >> The UCD is currently fundraising for the money to repay 
 >> that loan, and many contributors -- including Aramark, Bell 
 >> Atlantic Corporations, Mellon Bank and the William Penn 
 >> Foundation -- have already contributed funds. Rendell said 
 >> Tuesday that the city of Philadelphia will also help cover 
 >> the costs of construction. >> >> In addition, all of the members of the 
 >> project team, 
 >> including the architects, engineers and construction 
 >> managers, discounted or donated services to the planning and 
 >> construction of the new building, Steinke said. The center's 
 >> groundbreaking took place last October and the UCD's offices 
 >> moved into the facility earlier this month. 
 >> >> The University owns the former restaurant's building and 
 >> will rent it to the UCD for $1 each year. 
 - - - - - - - - 
 from ucd's newsletter, the quest | fall 2003 
 > Thanks to Pennsylvania State Senator Anthony Williams and the 
 > Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development 
 > (DCED), University City District (UCD) recently received another $25,000 
 > installment of a $150,000 grant towards paying for UCD’s Operations 
 > Center at 3940 Chestnut Street. This grant, arranged by Campus Apartments 
 > President and UCD Board Vice-Chair David Adelman, helps to pay for the 
 > cost of renovating and operating the building which serves as a hub of 
 > University City’s cleaning, safety, and 
 > marketing services. 
 > Since 1999 the Operations Center, a former 
 > Horn & Hardart automat built in 1939, 
 > functions as the administrative offices of 
 > UCD, as well as being a hub for the public 
 > safety program, which includes the 
 > Ambassador headquarters, a Philadelphia 
 > Police substation (provided to the city at no 
 > cost), and the center for coordinating 
 > deployment strategy and crime tracking. The 
 > close coordination between the 34 UCD 
 > Ambassadors (known by their bright yellow 
 > jackets) and the 25 Philadelphia Police 
 > officers has contributed to the significant 
 > decreases in Part I crimes (such as homicide, 
 > rape, aggravated assault, and robbery) since 
 > the substation’s formation. Most recently, these crimes declined 19% from 
 > 2001 to 2002. 
 > Since the inception of the UCD in, literally, a University of Pennsylvania 
 > office broom closet in 1997, the organization has become an integral part of 
 > the thriving University City community by improving streetscapes and 
 > parks, removing trash and graffiti, providing technical assistance to home 
 > and business owners, managing the LUCY® bus service, increasing public 
 > safety, and publicizing the myriad assets of the area. 
 > However, unlike most Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), the UCD is 
 > not funded by a mandatory tax assessment. Rather, it is funded solely by 
 > voluntary contributions from area institutions, businesses, and individuals. 
 > Thus, the UCD continues to enhance the vibrant community it serves 
 > through the generosity of others. Thanks to all those who have made the 
 > UCD’s work possible and given the organization a "home" 
 - - - - - 
 apparently the same guy that designed garden court and its garage (Ralph B. 
Bencker) also developed philly's horn and hardarts... 
 [aka laserbeam®] 
 [aka ray] 
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