In a message dated 6/27/2007 2:51:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

His now public commentary reaffirms the utter ineptitude of  Lewis Wendell's 
command of the UCD and most cogently answers highly  regarded local attorney 
Karen Allen's question of  yesterday:

Of course, putting all the blame on John rather than accepting  
responsibility for an organizational culture he supposedly manages, that was at 
wanting in establishing a modus operandi and circumspectin discussing the  
that triggered but didn't really cause the uproar, was despicable --  
chickens**t -- really.
But most telling to me about UCD's general and Wendell's specific  disconnect 
with the reality of the neighborhood were his answers to the  questions about 
the NID and the rebuilding of confidence by the community. He  obviously 
hasn't a clue about the opposition to the first and the  dissatisfaction 
by the second. I guess he believes a certain  party that I'm just too cheap to 
want to pay my "fair share" for all  these terrific things UCD does 
(presumably like the two concerts in Clark Park  that nobody attended, street 
that won't improve the safety as  they're being claimed to do, and fancy 
that can't stay in  business, to cite just a few examples).
Anybody remotely qualified for the job with which Penn in its ivory tower  
isolation has entrusted him would have said that this incident -- from the 
 all the way through the aftermath of Councilwoman's expression of  
dissatisfaction -- has been of great concern to the organization, and will  
result in a 
thorough re-evaluation of the goals and programs of UCD, including  more 
attention paid to the voices in the community who have been critical of  
initiatives. But no. For Lewis, it's just business as usual. Not an  inkling of 
how deep-rooted the problems were that caused the present  situation.
It reminds me of Einstein's definition of insanity. Doing the same thing  
over and over, while expecting a different result each time.
Wendell buried himself in this interview... which, I understand, was  
conducted by email so he had plenty of time to think through his answers and  
them vetted by everyone from the $74,000 flackette up through Penn's  
high-priced legal counsel.
I'd give him a straight F on the University City Report Card.
Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny

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