>I'd give him a straight F on the University City Report Card.
But you would have done that before the interview anyway, wouldn't you?

I find it fascinating how some people, not necessarily Al -- but you can
all troll through the back posts and see who -- saw this incident and
said "Holy smokes! UCD did something illegal! They're going to cover it
up, stonewall, and whitewash it! And nothing will be done about it!" and
then the results of the investigation come out, and sweet barking
cheese, UCD says "Something illegal happened, we dealt with it" and the
same voices are saying "holy smokes! It's Lewis' fault!"

Craig, it seems to me, goes so far as to suggest that Lewis never told
anybody not to work on a political campaign "UCD's failure to develop,
implement, and maintain the ongoing training of such policies as well as
to frequently and effectively audit the compliance with such policies."
and that's how this came about. 

There certainly seem to be some behind-the-scenes machinations between
John and Lewis and Councilwoman Blackwell that I'm not privy to, maybe
some of the rest of you are, but I suspect that this whole thing was a
fairly complicated mess based on relationships between the various
parties involved and the seriousness of the allegations. Where still, I
wonder, is the testimony of the two students? The only accusers in this
whole thing. I, for one, would like to know if the reiterated their
stories to this investigation. Though I suppose it's a moot point now.
Things seem to have settled in a way that's not the worst possible
outcome. UCD will continue along, we all still have John, who may
himself now be in a better position to utilize his not insignificant
skills to improve a city government that we almost all think is lagging,
and hopefully whatever relationship dynamics exist between the various
players will work themselves out in a way that continues to improve the

I'm not sure that anything UCD could have done would have satisfied some
on this list, apart from setting fire to their own building and moving
to Mannyunk.


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