It would be unwise to make assumptions about what I do or don't approve
of based solely on what in which databases my name lies, especially
since you admit you haven't done the extremely small amount of research
necessary to make your claims plausibe.  
Listen, you and I have butted heads in the past, and god willing will
continue to do so in the future, but you've never struck me as
particularly insane.  We disagree vehemently on many things, but you've
always seemed, if nothing else, a rational, thinking human being.  I
understand that you've got something against the other list, but you
cannot seriously look me in the keyboard and tell me that you think that
what Glenn has done with this issue over the last few days doesn't smack
of looney-tunes?  Surely your sophistry doesn't extend that far.
- Mike V.

-----Original Message----- 
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [UC] Car jacking confirmation

In a message dated 8/6/2007 11:35:23 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Are you sure we have a police problem, and not a deranged list busybody
with delusions of grandeur and a persecution complex problem?

I notice that you're on the civil citizens' list at -- so apparently you somehow don't approve of the
gratuitous insults and antagonism admittedly shown too often on the UC
I haven't read your posts over there, but assume you've adopted a
persona more suitable for the tea and crumpets crowd that joined it --
else why would you have signed up and why would the censors have let
your messages through?
So why the totally unnecessary nastiness here? OK, Glenn admittedly went
a bit overboard after trying to get the facts from the copskies and
being given false information. But, when he found out that he was
mislead by Philadelphia's finest, he posted what seems like a sincere
correction. And you either can't find it in your heart to let it go
without a mean-spirited response, or even to say something pleasant to
encourage the kind of posts you purport to want by going to the other
I noticed, by the way, that Melani Lamond is also posting to But her post this morning on this list, in
response to something by Al Airone, was useful and took no potshots
whatever at people who have chimed in on the carjacking topic with whom
we know she doesn't always see eye-to-eye.
Always at your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman


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