On 4/29/11 12:30 PM, Lalevic, Darco wrote:
University City’s gentrification (I
don’t know what else to call it) over the last 15 years has had plenty
of positive as well as negative effects.

the main negative effect is that we now have a staunchly divided neighborhood. and it's a big effect, one which will continue to carry penn -- and its catspaws ucd and campus apartments and so-called community association leaders -- farther and farther. an advance that feeds the very divisiveness that fuels their progression.

in case you missed it first time around, you now get a second chance to watch, in real time, the same strategic university narratives as they begin their next mighty roll:



[if you can detect the contradiction behind the fact that such articles even need to be written today, 15 years after penn has claimed such success in transforming university city, then count yourself as someone who's already pretty observant.]


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