
I tend to be optimistic. For over a decade, I worked with serious drug addicts and ex-prisoners. Only those of us with abundant optimism manage to do that work successfully-haha.

Darco seems reasonable and I hope he considers our criticism constructively. I think it's out of character, and that is part of the reason I snapped back at him.

I just dismiss tweets like Bill's and don't know anything about him other than being a block captain. But I've noticed disturbing patterns with some other block captains in our area. The current FOCP prez and former Spruce Hill Civic Association prez became my block commander as soon as he moved to West Philly! That experience has been terrible!

But I would certainly accept a sincere apology from Bill, without prejudice.

Unfortunately, I've been dealing with Tony since 2003 and his behavior has always been consistent. I'm not sure how long you've been subscribed to this list, but he has a long history here, and as the leader of the FOCP Board. I haven't been the only target over the years. Straw man is one of Tony West's favorite tactics. And he will not stop, even when he should realize that he is making a fool of himself. What I call his "Evil Ray" series is infamous!

I think he thought he was successful when he had a gang of people, who joined him in a type of group straw man tactic on the list. Tony would create the straw man, and then the group would post a series of nasty posts at the target, as if they were all too stupid to understand the meaning of the original post.

After their gangs' tactics were thoroughly exposed on this list, they left and formed a separate list sponsored by the Annenberg school at Penn. I believe you know this ucneighbors. They used the threat of censorship to intimidate the other subscribers, who came from this listserv. They were even caught bragging about their power to silence about 5 of us, who told the truth about neighborhood issues. (A real estate agent named, Melani, thought it "would be heaven" if I were silenced with the power of Penn's computers-haha.)

After some of us made fun of them, they closed off the archives to the public-haha. It was a violation of a couple of Penn's written policies. (I informed the office of the President of the University that I intended to expose this as widely as I could manage, and I believe they were eventually kicked off the Penn system.) It still bothers me that Penn allowed bold censorship against its neighboring community for such a long time! (I spent years giving 100% for the reputation of Penn when I worked for the addiction treatment research center.)

But Tony has continued to use these discredited techniques here, without the ucneighbors back-up. I've often deconstructed his posts to remind people about fallacious arguments and how they are used to bully. He actually provides the list with great texts for study.

Take care,

On 4/29/2011 9:42 AM, Richard Conrad wrote:
Dear Glenn,

I appreciate your gratitude and quite concur with your astute identification of "straw man" bullying. I hope you are mistaken about Tony's message being all about power and still hope that he will come to his senses and apologize for his unfair behaviors in attacking you, and then me, but I won't predict the future. The same goes for Darco and Bill. If we intend to continue community growth and stave off fascistic corporate medievalism we had all better seriously watch our hands in dealing with those amongst our own ranks and neighborhoods.


On Apr 29, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Glenn wrote:


I want to publicly thank you for confronting the use of a straw man. One of the reasons that this technique is so ubiquitous is to intimidate and silence everyone else.

Tony knows that he will never silence or intimidate me. He is trying to send a message to the rest of the list and community when he attempts these techniques. His message is all about power.

Anyone who dares to question the abuse of power is to watch how he attempts to crush his target.

Confronting these techniques empowers others in this community to stand up and speak out! In the end, bully's are exposed.

PS: The other FOCP board members have left Tony unleashed to use these tactics against this community for years. WHAT DOES THEIR SILENCE SAY ABOUT THE FOCP BOARD????

On 4/29/2011 12:43 AM, Richard Conrad wrote:
You are reading in.  You don't play fair.  You just can't admit it.

Glenn does not say as Darco implied that "people were excluded from the park" (and actually people have been - you and everyone else can probably realize that people are routinely told to leave the park, for sleeping overnight and other reasons). Maybe Glenn refers to private Clark Park banquets with high priced entry fees. Maybe he refers to private gatherings hosted by Penn where the public is excluded. 'Penn Control' is something about which while Glenn has held back from giving it ultimate vilification, he warns people to be concerned. 'Secrecy' is the most difficult to prove (duh, it's a secret), but in any case you ridicule by hyperbole, misrepresent his remarks, and say things that are not true.

You now seem to be practically accusing me of being a Trump conspiracy talk supporter. You clearly haven't read much of what I have written (or you are resorting to damaging written public falsification again).

I am actually a true "Balder" who believes Donald Trump can't be Pres. because he can't prove his hair was born in the U.S.A. Here is something of mine I posted to FB:

"Saying Trump appeals to masochistic dupes with no sense of mathematics, to sadistic voyeurs who wish they had balls, or to racist instincts in those of lesser intelligence, is all the same... they're just the facts Jack!"

Bill Mahr did better: Bill Maher says, "Hey Trump, what's the "biggest scam ever" NOW? I'd say its a guy with 3 bankruptcies telling America how to get its financial house in order."

"Crackpot." That is what you say Tony, instead of answering others criticisms! Surely you are big enough to deal with others concerns and not to only resort to name calling. Be fair.


On Apr 29, 2011, at 12:00 AM, Anthony West wrote:


I quote from Glenn's text, which Darco and I have read quite clearly:

"The master plan for 'revitalization' of Clark Park was always a master plan for secrecy, exclusion of the public, and Penn control!"

Glenn has, for years, been publishing on this list false allegations that various users were *planned to be excluded from the park *by this nefarious conspiracy. Since none of them ever were, in fact, excluded from the physical park, and there were, in fact, no plans that any users should be excluded from the park -- he is now attempting to befuddle you -- as well as unsuspecting newcomers -- by pretending some users were excluded from *planning for the park. *And he's trying to muddle the two together with murky conspiracy-theory language, where what we're talking about shifts every time a claim of fact is contested.

Of course, nothing of the sort ever happened. (There wasn't any "secrecy" or any "Penn control" either.) I looked into these allegations very carefully in 2002-03.

Typical Trump talk, in my opinion. But if this is what floats your boat, I sure can't stop you. Conspiracy-theory crackpots never run out of gas, do they?

--Tony West

On 4/28/2011 11:28 PM, Richard Conrad wrote:
O.K. let's get real! Darco represents Glenn as saying something he did not. Darco asks:
"do you have evidence of people being excluded from the park?"

Glenn did not ever say in his communique that people were excluded from the park.

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