In my years of experience on this listserv, I have found that the best way to 
read Glenn's posts involve substituting "Penn" or "UCD" or "Clark Park 
Committee" or whoever his bogeyman-du-jour is with "the Martians", "Sasquatch" 
or, occasionally, "the pixies that live in my teeth".  Then I picture him 
typing away in his egg-stained bathrobe, an old remote control duct-taped to 
his forehead and his teeth blacked out with magic marker in an effort to keep 
the black helicopters from reading his neutral patterns.

Not only its this immensely entertaining, but I have found that it diminishes 
the cogency, relevance and believability of his rants not one iota.

- Mike V.

Glenn <> wrote:

>On 4/29/2011 12:30 PM, Lalevic, Darco wrote:
>> I apologize for any misinterpretation on my part, however the general 
>> tone of most of Glenn's emails is that the public is excluded from use 
>> of the park, of which I have seen little evidence
>You just did it again.  Maybe if you would work on your reading skills, 
>you would not be so annoyed and annoying.  This is completely untrue!
>I have reported for the past 10 years that the public, and park user 
>groups, have been intentionally excluded from the park planning meetings 
>and the backroom deals regarding major changes to Clark Park.  Why do 
>you continue to seriously misrepresent my positions and then get annoyed 
>at the false positions?
>If you agree with my big picture view, as you say, you would know that I 
>am committed to the principals of democratic societies.  Transparency 
>and inclusion are the most fundamental principles of a republic, and 
>when a society abandons these they will always lose their rights.  Those 
>principles and rights are not just vital for national issues but also 
>for local issues.  The idea that these principles can be abandoned in 
>hopes of trickle down corporate money, and brought back when it's 
>"really important" is absurd.  That is the stupidity that caused the 
>collapsing of America, and the evil that is being done to my oppressed 
>brothers and sisters around the planet !
>This slippery slope of part time principles, that you seem to have faith 
>in, was rampant in this neighborhood. It compelled me to stand up to the 
>mad rush for plutocracy, which was obvious under the Penn gentrification 
>model ten years ago. I knew that I would be abused for taking a 
>principled stand and for trying to get our sleepwalking neighbors to 
>wake up!  I happened to be quite involved with Clark Park when Penn 
>decided to "save" the neighborhood, and called me and my neighbors 
>criminals!  I was in the position to "blow the whistle" and have always 
>considered it my duty.
>  "I grow weary of his long rants and little factual evidence regarding 
>the local conspiracy."
>What annoyed others, who've told me to shut up, was the incredible body 
>of evidence that I made public using this listserv!    Each time I 
>publicly demanded the time, date, and location of secret meetings, I was 
>in fact providing evidence that the public was excluded!
>Other readers could watch and see that West, Siano, etc. never ever gave 
>the meeting information, but instead responded with a blitz of mean 
>spirited comments attacking my character.  They could look at the 
>University City Review and see that the meetings, which should have been 
>announced by order of the members of FOCP, were never there! And they 
>were able to know that secret meetings were taking place at which they 
>were unwelcome. The readers on this list have watched this evidence for 
>years.  I've continuously proved that these meetings were not public.  
>Today, the Clark Park Partnership calls this exclusion, "invitation only 
>meetings."  It's fact and if you don't believe me then you need to do a 
>little work.
>What other evidence can I show you from secret meetings which none of us 
>attended?  Some people have recently thanked me for my dedication to 
>blowing the whistle, and others who are not on this list, told me that 
>they didn't know that these abuses were occurring.  BUT THEY WISHED THEY HAD
>How do you respond to important evidence?
>Darco writes:  "My point is, the best evidence that Glenn can come up 
>with is his denial to be on the dog committee. I can fully understand 
>that, since I've rarely seen evidence of Glenn being compromising."
>So your response to evidence is nothing more than ad hominem!  Ad 
>hominem is a fallacy of logic too.  For the past few years, FOCP leaders 
>have claimed that their members can always join any committee, and I 
>alone was unwelcome because I'm selfish.  I provided you evidence that 
>proved that was not true, whether or not you have the ability to 
>understand it.  It also proved that FOCP leaders continued to lie about 
>inclusion continuously over many years.   Why should I look for more 
>evidence for you, when you can't understand it, and simply dismiss it as 
>proof of my bad character?
>Regarding FOCP leaders, I'm not having a debate with reasonable mature 
>neighbors. I've concentrated on exposing bullying, lies, processes 
>unacceptable to any neighborhood in a democratic society, etc.  Under 
>these conditions, compromising is an absurd choice for your words.   How 
>exactly does one compromise when power is abused to bully?  How did I 
>organize Clark Park festivals, volleyball, and work on a world class 
>health care research team, if I don't have the ability to work well with 
>mature reasonable adults?
>Darco writes:  "Does Penn have an idea of what they want to see in Clark 
>Park, the neighborhood, and the City? Of course they do -- they have a 
>vested interest in all of that. Are they not supposed to voice their 
>Here we go again.  Who ever suggested that Penn shouldn't have a voice?  
>I have maintained that Penn has no right to make backroom deals while 
>intentionally excluding all of our voices!  Can't you understand the 
>difference?  The parks belong to all the people of Philadelphia not 
>Penn.  The department of Recreation works for the taxpayers and is 
>required to protect the rights of all citizens as directed by the US 
>How is demanding the right for all to participate and receive honest 
>information "misinterpreted" as a demand to exclude Penn's voice?
>"Now Glenn will surely say I am being assimilated and will shortly 
>become a puppet of the evil FOCP."
>No, Glenn will say, stop acting like those jerks, if you want to have 
>serious discussions with reasonable people.  I can't accept an apology 
>starting with a falsehood.

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