I just want objective information.  I already have a system running on
XP with 3 TB of FLAC files.  I don't have endless amounts of time to
fiddle with machines, there's other stuff to do, so I was trying to find
objective information to answer a question for myself:  "would it be
worthwhile to re-do my server in Lunx?"

The thing I am looking for is faster searches, etc, and I was looking
for info that I could use to answer that question for myself.  I learned
that most people expected it would be "faster" but it order to answer
that question for myself I need to attemp to answer "how MUCH faster" -
knowing ahead of time that no EXACT answer is possible but certainly
benchmarks would have given me a "feel" for it.  I was told by one
poster that Squeezecenter XP vs. Linux benchmarks exist.  I couldn't
locate any, and so then people started getting pissed off that I even

I get a sense that with a fairly fast machine like the 4-core 2 gHz
that I am using differences would be somewhere between "trivial" and
"noticeable," but not really enough to justify the work it would take.

My thinking was that if some part of the server / indexer / database
was really well optimized for Linux and ran poorly on XP then it would
make sense.  I wasn't really even thinking that the performance of the
OS would play a part at all!  I was just wondering if some part of the
server is really not well written for XP in terms of performance and so
switching to Linux would offer make the APPLICATION - NOT the OS!!- run
a lot faster.

You guys really need to lighten up a little.

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