Krisbee wrote: 
> Believe me, was trying to read between the lines of your previous posts
> and much of what you just said was in my mind. You mentioned before that
> one, or more, "commercial entities" had freely borrowed your work -
> which is pretty despicable. What a mess!

*Not dispicable, no, not at all!* As far as code is concerned, anyone
releasing anything under a free or GPL license knows at the point they
are doing it, that it is possible and entirely reasonable for commercial
entities to profit from their work. Everything I have ever released
under GPL, I have known from that it was possible for people to profit
from my work. Don't want that to happen, don't release code under a GPL

Neither one of the commercial entities has done anything wrong! (Maybe,
out of courtesy that should have let me know what they were doing.
That's what I would have done in their position. But nothing required
them to even notify me that they were going to use what I thought was a
community image on a commercial player.) It is me that has done
something stupid. By not anticpating from Day 1, that the images might
be used by, or part of a product offering from a commercial entity. 

I don't have much of an issue with anyone using anything I have worked
on or produced for commercial purposes. The only issue I would have,
could be, that I would be on the hook if they were sued, for something I
have produced, that they are selling, that I haven't received a dime
for! ;)

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