Krisbee wrote: 
> I was hoping Clive would have time to answer my question, #2492 appears
> to offer a possible immunity blueprint for any future efforts, but
> leaves things unanswered.  Perhaps it's not posslbe to illucidate
> further in plublic.

The problem is that legal responsibility doesn't stop for what I'm not
not distributing.... It still exists for what has already been
distributed. I cannot put the genie back in the bottle. It is out and it
is staying out. And with (there was one, but now two) commercial
entities already using the CSOS F19 image as a basis for a commercial
product, it just makes things even more complicated. And I really don't
want to shine on a torch on why, and make people who might not have been
aware of something, aware of it. Just figure this... There is a bloody
good reason why Clive was talking about making condition number 1 of a
license agreement under which an image is distributed, "For
non-commercial use ONLY! Commercial use prohibited!", and it's not
because Clive wishes to "tax" them for every unit of a product they
sell, to boost his pension pot. It's all about liability! ;)

Krisbee wrote: 
> Good news re: Bone Player if cost is reasonable, bad news if company
> dodge the community image.  Personally, I can't see a company wanting to
> maintain a free image and would be likely to add to the Bone Player cost
> to re-coup any expenditure involved with that free image. 

I hear you, but that side of it would be nothing to do with me. I cant
demand that they use "my" price list.

Krisbee wrote: 
> Bad news if this work now passes into the hands of a "for profit"
> company and is lost to the open community.  Doesn't it also give the
> "for profit" company a rapid way to create and sell a cubietruck image
> if they so wish? Any work you may have done for the Cubietruck will be
> lost to the open community. 

Yep, and unfortunately there is an element of this. Of course, they
don't want code that I haven't published under GPL yet, to be "given
away" to anyone who wants it, ie. competitors. They aren't interested in
anything other than a finished player. But that's the payback for the
finished player, having to distribute community images. They realise
that they need to give something back. And right now, it looks like they
lack a cursory understanding of the GPL, kernel development.... That
they would have to publish source for kernel modifications to GPL'd
code, (and indeed entire kernel source), with the exception of the board
specific I2S driver packaged as an akmod, which could be licensed under
something other than the GPL and be binary only, is going to derail this

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