JackOfAll wrote: 
> *Not dispicable, no, not at all!* As far as code is concerned, anyone
> releasing anything under a typical "free" or GPL license knows at the
> point they are doing it, that it is possible and entirely reasonable for
> commercial entities to profit from their work. Everything I have ever
> released under GPL, I have known from that it was possible for people to
> profit from my work. Don't want that to happen, don't release code under
> a GPL license.
> Neither one of the commercial entities has done anything wrong! (Maybe,
> out of courtesy that should have let me know what they were doing.
> That's what I would have done in their position. But nothing required
> them to even notify me that they were going to use what I thought was a
> community image on a commercial player.) It is me that has done
> something stupid. By not anticpating from Day 1, that the community
> images might be used by, or part of a combined harware/software product
> offering, sold by a commercial entity. 
> I don't have much of an issue with anyone using anything I have worked
> on or produced for commercial purposes. The only issue I would have,
> could be, that I would be on the hook if they were sued, for something I
> have produced, that they are selling, that I haven't received a dime
> for! ;)

All very true, but if someone made a request for all the GPL code they
were using, how would they respond?  And if you had been alerted to this
perhaps you could have moved to protect the project image in some way.
Obviously they wouldn't want you to do that. So they take your work, use
if for commercial profit and protect their own interest, leaving the
CSOS project with problems.  Well, that's how I see it.

No point in crying over spilt milk, we live and learn, even if the
lessons can be hard.

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