get.amped wrote: 
> Unfortunately, I am a Linux dilettante and am pretty much baffled by
> and the logging it produces. *BUT* the issues you both are
> having are almost certainly related to the Perl version of the jail vs
> the one used for the build. 
> Check to see if the version of Perl changed when you did the pkg
> installs. At the time I did this it was 5.20.2 but it could be something
> else now. If so, you will need to change the commands creating the
> symbolic links (ln -s -f ...) to the new path. 
> I'm sure that someone who truly understands how the build script works
> could modify it to work properly with FreeBSD but I'm not that guy. I
> tried several times to do so when I was working through this process and
> none of the things I tried were successful. For whatever reason, without
> creating those symbolic links first, the script failed with similar
> logging output.

Your advice was perfect, I searched through the file for
instances of "5.20" and found a reference to "5.20.3" so I modified your
code accordingly and it seemed to work. Now I need to start LMS. 

Forgive my ignorance, but in your instructions you provide a link to a
file that the instructions say needs to be decoded with openssl. Is
openssl part of Freenas 9.3 or is it something I need to download?


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