pgnyc wrote: 
> Hi,
> first : i am new to Picoreplayer and i want to thanks the team and
> everybody participating to it.
> second :  i just mount a system with rpi3, pi screeen, smatipi touch
> case ,a piano hi-fi dac and a flirc module.
> everything is working ..
> Until now, i was testing with the integrated wi-fi, i then did a swap
> with a SB3 for everyday use.
> I then change the setting for using an ethernet cable and stopped the
> wi-fi .
> Since i lost the vu-metter and the bar graph, and my iphone cannot see
> the shairport.
> If i change back to wi-fi (disconnnecting the ethernet cable) , there
> are back !!
> Each time i change , i am getting  the screen to choose a player and i
> have the name two time but only one work.
> after a while the other one disappear.  
> i am getting the  ip with dhcp.
> Any idea ??
> Ps: not a big deal but strange..

Jivelite needs reset after changing from wifi to eth0.  There is a reset
button on the tweaks page.  Shairport is kinda finicky.  You are aware
that Shairport play directly, and not using LMS/jivelite or squeezelite.

Take a look at the shairtunes2w plugin for LMS, that is a better way to

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