Hi Greg,

not saying it might not work for you just pointing out the dangers (and
hopefully making others aware who are not in as lucky position as you).

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> In the following days, I start getting severe rebuffering, so I change
> the channel on the router and problem goes away. This has happened 3 or
> 4 times over the years and occurs on my Squeezeboxes as well as
> RPI/pCP.
> Logic dictates that all my neighbours are not having trouble using
> duplicate channels, though there seems to be one that changes their
> channel.
> I live in a detached house in a battle axe, so I have 5 neighbours, I
> know one doesn't have a wifi modem, so the rest must have one and they
> must have APs on their mobiles. I can tell when they are home or have
> visitors by the increase or decrease of APs.

With an detached I'd happily assume that you fall into the case where
causing interference helps. At a guess your devices can hear the others
(just about?) including some which have a fairly low data rate but high
b/w compared to the data rate. So b/w is impaired for your devices.
Moving up an channel makes your devices not recognise the others any
more and therefore don't wait on them.
Worst case (assuming your devices can hear each other well drowning out
your neighbour) is that your neighbour suffers (moving the mobile to the
other end of the sofa) and eventually installing repeaters which may
then be to noisy for your current setup. But then switching back to
1,6,11 may work because there is no air time hog any more :) 
I don't know if your AP has an option for scanning and showing air time
usage per channel, noise ratio and data rates used by devices.
(btw. based on your scan ch 11 seems quiet/APs far away so ch13 might be
an better option than 2 or 3 if your devices support it)

I'd certainly try to avoid this here (block of 24 flats with another one
next door and one with 120 flats on the other side) where one starting
interference would very likely get into a channel/equipment war with
no-one getting a good service eventually (and most consumer APs have no
facilities to span a single SSID across them so having one AP per room
gets annoying in terms of roaming between APs).

Have a great day,

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