Wirrunna wrote: 
> pCP Team, WiFi dongle issues are a recurring theme with new releases,
> probably because of the vast number of dongles available.
> Listing a "preferred " hardware set is probably not a good call as other
> projects found out in the past, but there is already a very handy table
> of WiFi Dongles -
> https://sites.google.com/site/picoreplayer/wifi-dongles .
> May I suggest / request that the pCP team update this for new releases
> with the dongles that work? Then when a report of wifi not working is
> made a standard reply could be "Refer to
> https://sites.google.com/site/picoreplayer/wifi-dongles for WiFi dongles
> that have been proved to work with the new release. Other dongles will
> be added in the fullness of time."

Point taken on updating documentation, but in most cases we can only
rely on information we receive from the community, as we have very
limited hardware to test.  Anyone can make submissions to that list.

But I don't follow the second part of you suggestion.  What good does
referring someone to a wifi list, when they are trying to make something
work?  I don't think there is any such thing as "proved to work" when it
comes to wifi and linux.

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