dhull wrote: 
> Paul,
> I've tested installing Samba by installing it at the end of a clean
> install from scratch. I have convinced myself that the Set Samba dialog
> with Samba running and a new password in the field does NOT create a
> Samba user. Invoking the command "sudo pdbedit -L" returns nothing, and
> looking for the password database manually fails as well.
> Following up with "sudo smbpasswd -a tc", and then following up with
> pdbedit -L shows a user has been created and the Samba Share then works.
> This is a very minor thing but frustrating for a new user. Thanks for
> considering looking into this for a fix or next release.

Not sure how you are doing this, but here is what I did 

Fresh Image
- Expand SD Card
- Install extra file systems
- Setup USB Mount
- Install Samba
- Set Server Name, Workgroup, and Share
- Set Password

Samba Works. and if I ssh in

  tc@piCorePlayer:~$ sudo pdbedit -L
  tc:1001:Linux User

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