Greg Erskine wrote: 
> hi lesliew,
> Sorry, the [FS Resize] command will work on a fresh install.
> This command is expecting the partition to be named PCP_BOOT and
> PCP_ROOT. This is so we don't ruin a setup that has been manually setup
> or modified. For the next release of pCP, this command will give more
> meaningful error messages.
> regards
> Greg

The PCP_BOOT partition is definitely there when I write the image to the

Just guessing since this is not really familiar territory but I think
the reason maybe because the M.2 card is seen as 'sda1' and the script
[FS Resize] probably expects to see a memory card on 'mmcblk0p2'.  Write
or wrong, setting it up on an SD card then using dd to clone it to the
M.2 worked so I am at least up and running again now.

LMS 7.9.1,  Slimdevices Silver Transporter, 1 * SB Touch,  2 * SB Duets,
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