justi wrote: 
> This is only for ARM, right? I haven't looked but I guess the ARM deb
> isn't including all the CPAN versions that the x86 one does, it is 47Mb
> compared to 139Mb.

Yes, I should probably have been clearer.

The specific architecture .debs are all under 50Mb, though; it's only
the multi-arch that gets up to nearly 140Mb. I don't have any experience
building for other architectures, but given that the LMS packages are
similar in size and the base Debian package (debian-slim) is also around
20Mb in each case, perhaps the other architectures wouldn't be much
bigger than my 283Mb final image, if built with the arch-specific .debs.
Also, aren't Dockerhub images compressed? The download size for the
stretch-slim image listed on Dockerhub is 18.4Mb, but the image on my Pi
is 41.5Mb. I'm not sure the image download would necessarily be quite
the size you're imagining.

> To avoid confusion for others in what you and epoch1970 have said,
> images *are always* immutable, they are used to create containers. 
> Containers have a rw top layer filesystem, and would rarely if ever work
> if they were not allowed to write to the filesystem.
> So your concern is over how much writing containers are allowed to do,
> and whether patching parts of the software installed in the container is
> too much or objectionable for philosophical (not techincal) reasons. 
> I'm suggesting this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do for
> minor/patch updates.  But I'm not trying to force it on anyone -- you
> don't have to download server updates in LMS and you can remove and
> recreate the container if you want to start from a clean slate, no
> problem.  And I would still suggest that major/stable releases have
> their own images built.

Yes, you're right, it is a philosophical point rather than technical and
I have also been guilty of confusing -image -and -container -in my text.
I meant to say that (philosophically!) *containers* should be immutable.
This is a point of view, admittedly, but I would humbly submit 'this
blog post' (https://www.docker.com/blog/containers-are-not-vms/) on the
official Docker blog as both an explanation of the "official" wisdom
(for what it's worth) and a reason why several (even prominent) images
may not fully embrace that philosophy (spoiler: it's because people
erroneously - according to the blog author - see containers as
lightweight VMs). As you've said, of course containers aren't actually
immutable or the software running within them would usually not work.

A question: is it likely to cause a problem if a patched container is
replaced for whatever reason by a new container made from the less
up-to-date original image, but keeps the updated prefs / cache folders
which are stored in docker volumes outside the container? If so, this
may not be a purely philosophical discussion as that is bound to happen
at some point.

I very much agree with you that the aim should be a reliable image that
users can just pull and use without any messing around with Dockerfiles
etc. Done right, this should make installing LMS easier than it is at
present, particularly for those who already have Docker up and running.

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