'4 wrote: 
> 4;1008715']I'm pretty new to Linux, so Im struggling a bit to implement
> the script on a DietPi OS
> I executed the script with the "make" parameter and card name. All went
> well, except .filetool.lst doesn't exists in DietPi. 
> > 
  >   > # add rules file to /opt/.filetool.lst
  > sed -i "\#$rulesfile#d" /opt/.filetool.lst #remove all previous matching 
entries, to make sure it's only listed once
  > echo $rulesfile >> /opt/.filetool.lst
> > 
> > 
  >   > sed: can't read /opt/.filetool.lst: No such file or directory
> > 
> Can I omit this section or should I add the rules file to a different
> file?

Yes, as Paul said, that is a pCP-specific step.  In fact the whole
script was developed on, and for, pCP (that's all I know!), so there may
well be other parts of the script that are not compatible with DietPi. 
Most obviously, I expect that DietPi doesn't have a User Commands
section on a Tweaks page, so you'd need to find another way of running
the 'find' option of the script at boot.

Any other problems are most likely to be due to differing paths for
certain files I think, so if you want to persevere with this, do post
again with details of any problems you encounter.

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