O.K...so I think maybe I got it to work.  Now, when I put my RME DAC
into standby, Squeezelite is automatically shut down.  As soon as I
power the DAC up again, Squeezelite automatically starts back up.  I
assume this is the correct behavior??  If not, please let me know...


chill wrote: 
> The original steps are documented on the piCorePlayer website :
> https://docs.picoreplayer.org/projects/autostart-squeezelite-from-usb-dac/
> The process is broadly similar, but I have added a second rule (Step 2)
> to kill squeezelite when the DAC is powered off.
> 1) Follow step 1 in the picoreplayer instructions, to determine the
> Vendor and Product ids for your DAC
> 2) Using whatever tools you are comfortable with, create a file
> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-DAC.rules, with the following content.  Replace
> 'xxxx' with the Vendor and Product ids you determined in step 1.
> > 
  >   > SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="xxxx", 
ATTR{idProduct}=="xxxx", RUN+="/home/tc/SQLITE-control.sh restart $kernel"
  > SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/home/tc/SQLITE-control.sh stop 
> > 
> 3) Do step 5 from the picoreplayer instructions to make sure that this
> rules file survives a reboot.
> 4) Create a file SQLITE-control.sh in your home directory (/home/tc/)
> and paste the following text into it.    Replace 'xxxx' in the 'find'
> section with the Vendor and Product ids you determined in step 1. 
> Once you have saved this file, make it executable with 'chmod +x
> SQLITE-control.sh' from the command line.
> > 
  >   > #!/bin/sh
  > # Script to be used by udev rules that detect when a USB DAC is connected 
or disconnected,
  > # in order to start or stop Squeezelite
  > # $1 is the script option: 'restart', 'stop' or 'find'
  > # $2 is the kernel name ($kernel) that is generated by the udev event
  > #    It is used to match a 'removed' USB device against the device assigned 
when the DAC was inserted
  > # The 'find' option is used at boot to detect which device the DAC is 
connected to, 
  > # in the case that the DAC is up before squeezelite attempts to start.
  > # The associated udev rules are:
  > # SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="xxxx", 
ATTR{idProduct}=="xxxx", RUN+="/home/tc/SQLITE-control.sh restart $kernel"
  > # SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/home/tc/SQLITE-control.sh stop 
  > case $1 in
  >     restart ) # restart squeezelite when DAC is inserted/powered up
  >             # output the device '$kernel' name to a text file, so that it 
can be used to check against USB 'remove' events
  >             kername=$2
  >             echo $kername > /tmp/DACdevice.txt
  >             echo "DAC detected on $kername" >> /var/log/pcp_DAC.log
  >             /home/tc/restartSQLITE.sh &
  >             ;;
  >     stop ) # stop squeezelite when DAC is removed/powered down
  >             # compare $kernel device name to the one created by this script 
when the DAC was inserted/powered up
  >             startname=$(cat /tmp/DACdevice.txt)
  >             stopname="$2"
  >             # stop squeezelite if names match
  >             if [ $stopname == $startname ]; then
  >                     echo "$stopname removed" >> /var/log/pcp_DAC.log
  >                     sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite stop >> 
  >             fi
  >             ;;
  >     find ) # create the file with the kernel name
  >             idVendor="xxxx"
  >             idProduct="xxxx"
  >             echo "Searching for DAC with idVendor=$idVendor and 
idProduct=$idProduct in dmesg" >> /var/log/pcp_DAC.log
  >             dacdev=$(dmesg | grep -m 1 "idVendor=$idVendor, 
idProduct=$idProduct" | awk -F usb {'print $2'} | awk -F : {'print $1'})
  >             echo $dacdev > /tmp/DACdevice.txt
  >             if [ -z $dacdev ]; then
  >                     echo "DAC not detected" >> /var/log/pcp_DAC.log
  >             else
  >                     echo "DAC detected on $dacdev" >> /var/log/pcp_DAC.log
  >             fi
  >             ;;
  > esac
> > 
> 5) Create a file restartSQLITE.sh in your home directory (/home/tc/)
> and paste the following text into it.   Once you have saved this file,
> make it executable with 'chmod +x restartSQLITE.sh' from the command
> line.
> > 
  >   > #!/bin/sh
  > attempts=5 # number of tries
  > count=$attempts 
  > while [ "$(sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite status)" == "Squeezelite 
not running." ]; do
  >     if [ $((count--)) -le 0 ]; then
  >             echo  "Squeezelite failed to initialize within $attempts 
attempts." >> /var/log/pcp_DAC.log
  >             exit 1 
  >     fi
  >     echo  "Attempting to start squeezelite" >> /var/log/pcp_DAC.log
  >     sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite restart >> /var/log/pcp_DAC.log
  >     sleep 1 # time interval (seconds) between tries
  > done
> > 
> 6) Add a User Command (at the bottom of the 'Tweaks' page in the pCP
> browser interface).
> > 
  >   > /home/tc/SQLITE-control.sh find
> > 
> 7) Backup and reboot: pcp br
> After a reboot, you can see what the scripts are doing by looking at
> the DAC log file in the pCP browser interface (Main Page ->
> Diagnostics -> Logs).
> If the DAC is powered up when the RPi is booted, you should see a
> message of the form:
> > 
  >   > Searching for DAC with idVendor=xxxx and idProduct=xxxx in dmesg
  > DAC detected on  1-1.3.1
> > 
> If it wasn't powered on at boot, the message will just say 'DAC not
> detected'
> After that you should see messages each time the DAC is powered on or
> off (you'll need to press the 'Show' button each time you want to
> refresh it).
> I'm sure I'll have missed a step in the instructions, so give it a try
> and ask if something goes wrong.


System information
Main: RPI4B/PiCorePlayer/LMS> RPI4B/piCoreplayer/Squeezelite > USB>RME
ADI-2 DAC > Benchmark AHB2 > Revel Performa F208 speakers, 2X REL R-305

Home Theatre:  RPI4 B/HifiBerry Dac+ Pro>Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

LMS  8.1.0 - 1608700893 on RPI4B with 1tb Samsung T5 SSD.
rgro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=34348
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=113661

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