NoobNR7 wrote: 
> Hi Ralphy,
> Hoping you can help me out? I am struggling to get IR working on my old
> raspberry with pcp.
> Trying to install/ use flirc ir usb receiver with a remote lying around
> in the house.
> (wich is preferred ir remote (easiest/ future proof) method in
> 2021?(Jivelite or Lirc?))
> Trying your steps from your first post.
> With Jivelite IR enabled my Flirc usb dongle is not working.
> sudo ir-keytable doesn't seem to show my flirc usb device?
> I think it only shows gpio_ir_receiver? No usb device mentioned.
> When i "sudo ir-keytable -t" I do not see anything being displayed. So I
> have yet to make my own keytable file/ settings?
> I had the remote working :D for a little while on pcp. But when I
> rebooted I had to take all steps again. 
> So I think the Philips remote and flirc do work?
> The time I got it working was when I followed the steps mentioned
> further down in this thread. I tried it with inputlircd. But now I do
> not seem to get that working anymore?
> I am sorry I am a noob.
> Enjoying my pcp. Wish I could use ir remote with it. 
> I do not know what is wrong: flirc usb dongle? My remote? Me trying to
> config pcp?
> I read quite some hours already. Believing de solution is around the
> corner. I just can't see it.
> Hoping you can help me find it.

When using the Flirc USB Dongle you do not use lirc or keytables, the
FLIRC emulates a keyboard

So program the FLIRC dongle to send the appropriate keys for the remote
control operation you want


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