paul- wrote: 
> There were several users trying to get the Merus Amp to work.  I think I
> finally cracked it.
> _Disable_onboard_audio_
> dtparm=audio=off
> _Disable_SPI_
> Remove the spi=on from the line
> > 
  >   > 
  > deparam=i2c_arm=on,spi=on,i2s=on
> > 
> Then on the Squeezelite page, make sure you limit the sample rate to
> 48000.
> Also, make sure you do not play any music until you have turned down
> the Limit Threashold as described in the docs.  If you try to play
> music with the default Alsa settings, it will likely lockup the
> amplifier chip requiring a reboot.
> Once things are set in alsa mixer, then you should save the alsa
> settings on the "Card Control" Page.
> I'll see about adding some better controls in pCP7.

Just to say I did this and now works cheers.

PCP 7.0.1

1) mounted /mnt/mmcblk0p1/
2) edited /mnt/mmcblk0p1/config.txt as described

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