Hi, is there any step by step documentation for bluetooth setup in
8.X.0?  I've just upgraded both my pcp players to 8.2.0 and can't get
bluetooth audio playing at all, it was working fine in 7.0.0.   I'm
using iphone 7 and can pair it ok, it shows on the pcp page as being
paired and set as player, but when I select it as output in spotify in
my phone I'm getting nothing.   This is on a rasp 3b+ with Ian Cananda
dac.   The dac controller screen shows "No input" and where the phono
would usually show a little headphone icon when connected to bluetooth
up in the top right corner there is nothing.   Not really sure where to
look to debug.

No massive issue as 99% of my playing is via the web UI, but would just
be nice to get it working again.


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