paul- wrote: 
> I had one speaker device that would not try to connect when powered
> on.....never could figure out why.  None of my other headsets/speakers
> do that.  Can you do some things via ssh?
> Power off your speaker and reboot your pi, then ssh in
> run "bluetoothctl"

Here's the output

  tc@ArtPi:~$ bluetoothctl
  Agent registered
  [bluetooth]# paired-devices
  Device E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90 SRO6151
  [bluetooth]# info E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  Device E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90 (public)
  Name: SRO6151
  Alias: SRO6151
  Class: 0x00240404
  Icon: audio-card
  Paired: yes
  Trusted: yes
  Blocked: no
  Connected: no
  LegacyPairing: no
  UUID: Serial Port               (00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  UUID: Audio Sink                (0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  UUID: A/V Remote Control        (0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  UUID: Handsfree                 (0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  [bluetooth]# connect E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  Attempting to connect to E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90
  [CHG] Device E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90 Connected: yes
  Connection successful
  [CHG] Device E0:B7:C5:5B:7C:90 ServicesResolved: yes

I turned the speaker on after "info" and waited a few minutes before
After connecting, LMS found the speaker (but has not remembered it's
supposed to play a random mix of tracks)

My technical adviser (aka my son on the other side of the world)
suggests adding a button to the box (a 3D print project) to kick off a
script that forces the connection then sends the LMS "play random mix"
command. That might be a bit too techy for me, but it's a possibility.
I've got till mid-January to finish the job, and a wired connection
remains the fall-back plan.

Digital: Raspberry Pi 3B; piCorePlayer 8 + LMS 8; HifiBerry DAC+DSP >
Yamaha RX-V2700 > Jamo speakers
Analogue: HifiBerry DAC+DSP > Speakercraft MZC-66 > whole house 
Library: External USB drive
Android: Squeezer app
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