I'd have stronger opinions if I was using an environment other then Tomcat. However, in the Tomcat environment I don't see that it matters much either way. In higher end app-server environments, it's probably appropriate to let that server control the pools.

Even so, you can configure spring to use JNDI datasources on a per installation environment if you need to. So I see no harm in converting if you feel strongly.

Another thing to look at for a few minutes though, might be the recent flurry in the Sakai community trying to convert from Commons Connection Pooling to C3PO, which they did in response to a bug they hit in commons pooling.

---- Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Anyone have any thoughts on this?

If I don't hear any reasons to keep the JNDI configs as the default way of doing things I'll be changing trunk to use commons-pool managed DataSources in the portal's application context.


Eric Dalquist wrote:
The issue of where to put those darn JDBC drivers has come up a few times in the last week or so on the -user list and has historically been a bit of an issue.

I would like to propose no longer using a JNDI configured DataSource by default. With the consolidated Spring configuration I would like to create a dataSourceContext.xml as a place to configure JDBC DataSource objects. RDBMServices would be deprecated and re-worked to provide access to the DataSource objects from the Spring context. As work progresses to move more components into a Spring managed world they could bypass RDBMServices and simply have the DataSource injected directly.


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