On 10/8/07, Jason Shao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 8, 2007, at 12:38 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:
> > I'd have stronger opinions if I was using an environment other then
> > Tomcat.  However, in the Tomcat environment I don't see that it
> > matters much either way.  In higher end app-server environments,
> > it's probably appropriate to let that server control the pools.
> >
> > Even so, you can configure spring to use JNDI datasources on a per
> > installation environment if you need to.  So I see no harm in
> > converting if you feel strongly.
> >
> > Another thing to look at for a few minutes though, might be the
> > recent flurry in the Sakai community trying to convert from Commons
> > Connection Pooling to C3PO, which they did in response to a bug
> > they hit in commons pooling.
> There's still some work to be done on the Sakai side -- UMich thinks
> disabling inactive session in DBCP will avoid the deadlocking bug,
> and Rutgers is actually going back to dbcp since there were other
> sideaffects related to different default values for autocommit and
> transactionIsolationLevel (likely Sakai specific though)

It is probably worth noting that Jason's comments regarding Rutgers
are specific to the Sakai implementation, and are not related to
uPortal/myRutgers or other general Java work done in Enterprise
Systems & Services at Rutgers.


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