Le 9 sept. 09, à 11:28, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

Inevitably I am going to say what I have been banging on about for quite
some time:
I believe it is in Runtime Revolution's interests to free themselves from a
on Quicktime; preferably "rolling their own" stuff to handle multimedia:
maybe so that
all the multimedia capabilities offered by RR would work on Linux in exactly
the same way
as they work on Mac and Win.

Sooner rather than later RR's dependency on Quicktime is going to prove an
and, just possibly, that moment is already upon us.

This is inconsistent. QTX is Apple rewriting as set of API for Quicktime; and, as for most software products, the first release is not fully satisfying. You expect runrev, whose core expertise, IMHO, is not video, to do a better job at it: starting from scratch to produce their own multimedia package. C'mon. Give credit to Apple: they acknowledge that QTX is not final by letting folks use QT 7.

Honestly, I'd rather see runrev fix the "text field beast".


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