Hi Martin

I posted about those about those Vid tuts on the RS Site...
Mark was the only one that saw my post (or replied I should say=)

and No, RS themselves didnt announced it here on the list..(maybe it hadnt been noticed anyway, as only one replied on my post about it=)

Maybe time to get Satu back on the RS Team, she was the perfect communicator between RS and its userbase..=) (not at all that Juha and Vesa aren´t, but they have full focus on developing and coding RS and so they should have ! =)

Take Care
Best Regards
Stefan Gustafsson ( Beg-inner )
A Proud Owner and User of Real3D and Realsoft3D..

Though I have to admit that there IS a shimmer of hope.
I don´t know, maybe I´m the only one who didn´t notice that.
Maybe it was written about on the list and I just didn´t read it?
Or may it be that it really wasn´t talked about?
What I mean is - Realsofts site now features some tutorial videos.
I just noticed it by chance when I was looking for something completely different.

So there are now some basic tutorials, sadly without sound, but tutorials nonetheless.
Did I really overlook an anouncement regarding that??
The news page contains an info about the new tutorials which dates back to october the seventh. I´m pretty much startled cause I could swear that this was not anounced on the list. If it was, people could already have gone to gather their tutorials to be uploaded to the Realsoft site.

Could this perhaps even be why the Render Daemon was shut?
Because it´s material was to be integrated into the official Realsoft website?

Now I´m really hoping for a comment of one of the Realsoft crew to shed some light on this.


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