On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 9:12 AM, Sylvain Lebresne <sylv...@datastax.com>wrote:

> Of course, if everyone was using that reasoning, no-one would ever test
> new features and report problems/suggest improvement. So thanks to anyone
> like RĂ¼diger that actually tries stuff and take the time to report problems
> when they think they encounter one. Keep at it, *you* are the one helping
> Cassandra to get better everyday.

Perhaps people who are prototyping their first application with a piece of
software are not the ideal people to beta test it?

The people catching new version bullets for the community should be
experienced operators choosing to do so in development and staging

The current paradigm ensures that new users have to deal with Cassandra
problems that interfere with their prototyping process and initial
production deploy, presumably getting a very bad initial impression of
Cassandra in the process.


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