I think I´ve done some mixing between two things that doesn´t work together
as I hoped it would.

I have this Datamodel, the scxml document starts like this:
<scxml version="1.0" initialstate="INIT" xmlns:cs="
http://commons.apache.org/scxml"; xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml";>

<data name="DynamicData">
<NumDat xmlns="" id="1" type="Integer">0</NumDat>
<data name="Indication1" expr="false"/>


I assign the "Indication1" later on:

<state id="StateC">
<log label="Renegade" expr="'Entering state: StateC'"/>
<assign name="Indication1" expr="true"/>


And the "DynamicData" also later:
<state id="StateB">
<log label="Renegade" expr="'Entering state: StateB'"/>
<log label="Renegade" expr="Data(DynamicData,'NumDat')"/>
<assign location="Data(DynamicData,'NumDat')"
<log label="Renegade" expr="Data(DynamicData,'NumDat')"/>


I implemented a custom context with a notification functionality in the
"set" function (observer observed pattern) but the problem now is that the
only time the "set" function in the context is used is when indications are
set. Not when the DynamicData is set. I know that the SCXML works and that
the expressions evaluate properly because of the log:labels, my guess is
that it´s something with the Data() function that makes these expressions do
something different. What? Where is the "set" for the DynamicData located?
How do I notify when my DynamicData has changed?

Best regards

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