On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Linda Erlenhov
<linda.erlen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello again!
> I´m not sure how to explain what I want to do.

Code snippets like the ones below help.

> The task I have is to build
> an editor that you then can use to build simulations of applications. An
> application can be a cd-player for instance. What already exists is an
> editor for building GUI:s without coding (not build by me) and an engine
> that runs this and via a protocol "talks" to an application. What I´m trying
> to do is "attatch" my editor to the protocol instead of a "real life"
> application. The problem is that I´m developing this very generic. I can not
> know what kind of application the user want to simulate, the only thing I
> have to run this from is the protocol specification and in that
> specification it, for one thing,  says that I should be able to handle
> dynamic data subscriptions.
> In the cd-player case this could be that a track on the cd has ended and a
> new has begun, if I have an subscription for the title of the song playing I
> would then like to send it to the engine i was talking about.
> So if I write a datamodel like (well, I don´t, it would be generated like
> this):
> <data name=Data>
> <Title id=1 type=String>text</Title>
> <Track id=4 type=Integer>0</Track>
> </data>

OK. What location in the SCXML document do you generate this
datamodel? I previously suggested its easiest if this appears as child
of root (you can use the stock Contexts and Evaluators):


> and then somewhere in the scema the person who build the simulation wants
> "title" to change, this is then translated to:
> <assign location="Data.title" expr="oh yeah!" />
> as an example.

For an XML data model, its best to use the XPath Evaluator (though its
yet unreleased), where the above would look like:

  <assign location="$Data/title" expr="oh yeah!" />

Or use the Data() function with other Evaluators, see this page for details:


Moreover, since you are in control of the generated markup, you could
generate a custom action to do the notifications for you. More on
custom actions here:


So, for example, instead of generating:

  <assign location="$Data/title" expr="oh yeah!" />

you could generate:

  <my:assign location="$Data/title" expr="oh yeah!" />

where custom action <my:assign> inherits from standard action <assign>
to do the extra notifications bit.

> If i want to "read" what data.title:s expression is, how do I do that?
> I used the:
> http://www.ling.gu.se/~lager/Labs/SCXML-Lab/
> for more examples, I´m not sure if you´re using the same standard, but it´s
> an easy way to understand how the SCXML works.

Same, but the expression language in use isn't the same, the XML data
model seems to be shredded into an ECMA friendly variant. Hence the
difference in the expression above.

>>  * Use a custom Context implementation - This will allow you to
>> intercept data changes, à la pointcut at
>> oacs.Context#set(String,Object), and get notifications that way
> This could possibly be of intrest, but I´m still not 100% sure on how the
> context works. Where would these notifications "arrive"

This is another approach, some background:


I'll sketch an outline here -- say we have MyContext extending
SimpleContext where MyContext#set(String,Object) looks like:

   public void set(String name, Object value) {
      // inherit behavior
      super.set(name, value);
      // notifications you need
      notify(name, value);

and a MyEvaluator extending the Evaluator you are currently using
whose newContext() method does this:

   public Context newContext(Context parent) {
      return new MyContext(parent);

then using this evaluator with the SCXMLExecutor instances like so:

   SCXMLExecutor exec = new SCXMLExecutor();
   exec.setEvaluator(new MyEvaluator());

ties in the above "pointcut" behavior causing notifications for any
data changes within the state machine. Adjust outline per


> best regards
> //Linda

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