Hello Stefano <stefano.bagh...@radicalbit.io>

Sorry for the late reply. Many thanks for taking effort to write and share
an example code snippet.

I have been playing with the countWindow behaviour for some weeks now and I
am generally aware of the functionality of countWindowAll(). For my
useCase, where I _have to observe_ the entire stream as it founts in, using
countWindowAll() is probably the most obvious solution. This is what you
recommend too. However, because this is going to use 1 thread only (or 1
node only in a cluster), I was thinking about ways to make use of the
'distributedness' of the framework. Hence, my question.

Your reply leads to me read and think a bit more. If I have to use
parallelism to achieve what I want to achieve, I think managing a
ValueState of my own is possibly the solution. If you have any other
thoughts, please share.

>From your  earlier response: '... you can still enjoy a high level of
parallelism up until the last operator by using a combiner, which is
basically a reducer that operates locally ...'. Could you elaborate this a
bit, whenever you have time?

-- Nirmalya

Software Technologist
"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That is
where they should be.
Now put the foundation under them."

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