Thanks, Aljosha, for the explanation. Isn't there a way to apply the
concept of the combiner to a streaming process?

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 3:56 AM, Nirmalya Sengupta <> wrote:

> Hello Aljoscha  <>
> Thanks very much for clarifying the role of  Pre-Aggregation (rather,
> Incr-Aggregation, now that I understand the intention). It helps me to
> understand. Thanks to Setfano too, for keeping at the original question of
> mine.
> My current understanding is that if I have to compute the average of a
> streaming set of _temperatures_ then the *best* way to accomplish this, is
> by employing *one* node (or thread, on my laptop), losing speed but
> gaining deterministic behaviour in the process. I can decide to capture the
> average either by grouping the temperatures by count or by time. Because I
> am sliding the window anyway, I don't run the risk of accumulation of
> elements in the window and buffer overrun.
> Could  you please confirm if my understanding is correct? I feel happy if
> I 'understand' the basis of a design well! :-)
> --  Nirmalya
> --
> Software Technologist
> "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That is
> where they should be.
> Now put the foundation under them."

Stefano Baghino

Software Engineer @ Radicalbit

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