as I understand it the “temp_reading_timestamp” field is not a key on which you 
can partition your data. This is a field that would be used for assigning the 
elements to timestamps. In you data you also have the “probeID” field. This is 
a field that could be used to parallelize computation, for example you could
do the following:

val inputStream = <define some source>

val result = inputStream
  .assignAscendingTimestamps { e => e.temp_reading_timestamp }
  .keyBy { e => e.probeID }
  .apply(new SumFunction(), new ComputeAverageFunction())


(Where SumFunction() would sum up temperatures and keep a count and 
ComputeAverageFunction() would divide the sum by the count.)

In this way, computation is parallelized because it can be spread across 
several machines and partitioned by the key. Without such a key everything has 
to be computed on one machine because a global view of the data is required.

> On 18 Feb 2016, at 17:54, Nirmalya Sengupta <sengupta.nirma...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello Aljoscha <aljos...@apache.org>,
> You mentioned: '.. Yes, this is right if you temperatures don’t have any 
> other field on which you could partition them. '.
> What I am failing to understand is that if temperatures are partitioned on 
> some other field (in my use-case, I have one such: the 
> temp_reading_timestamp), they will be pushed to different nodes (different 
> threads in local run) based on that field. Because they will be computed 
> (scattered) and later collected (gathered), how could I arrive at the 
> _running_ average temperature? The client application needs to know *how the 
> average temperature is changing over time'. 
> Could you please fill in the gap in my understanding?
> -- Nirmalya
> -- 
> Software Technologist
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/nirmalyasengupta
> "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. That is 
> where they should be.
> Now put the foundation under them."

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