However, only two vendors deliver a platform that supports hbase (with append): 
Cloudera and MapR.  HortonWorks and ASF do not (to my knowledge). I am not sure 
I can count hard to find/compile branches that exist in ASF's version control 
as "supporting" hbase.

MapR and Cloudera both have free versions.

Cloudera has a license advantage.  

I haven't finished a detailed feature comparison, so I can't comment there yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Rawson [] 
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: Monitoring

But surely for logical consistency, we should not favor one vendor (as
we have been for a year now), over another. So would it be correct to
continue to suggest to users they use CDH?  After all, even though it
is ASF2.0 and free, it is still giving one vendor a leg up over others
(including hortonworks, the ASF project, etc).

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Todd Lipcon <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Ted Dunning <> wrote:
>> Todd,
>> Good to have you weigh in on this.  You provide a good counterweight.
>> To take a new hypothetical, suppose that one of the many, many patches that
>> Cloudera has championed for Hadoop is critical for Hbase operation or makes
>> Hbase faster.
>> Is it reasonable to answer a question of the form "Is HDFS-xxx fixed?" with
>> "Fixed in CDH, followups off-list"?
> One distinguishing factor is that CDH is Apache 2.0 licensed free and open
> source software. And the answer would never be "fixed in CDH but not in
> Apache trunk" -- any non-trivial changes in CDH are committed to trunk
> before we backport them. So, I feel like pointing people to CDH is
> appropriate for this open-source list.
> As for Cloudera Enterprise (our paid closed-source product) I'd expect to be
> held to the same standards as a MapR employee touting MapR -- i.e. I
> wouldn't bring it up on the public mailing list.
>> That seems to be important information for not just the original poster but
>> others who may have the same problem.
>> What is the consensus on that?
>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Todd Lipcon <> wrote:
>> > > Another answer that I want to underscore is "MapR supports Hbase.  A
>> > lot."
>> > >
>> >
>> > The issue is that I might be then tempted to start arguing that Cloudera
>> > Enterprise supports HBase better than MapR. Then we devolve into an
>> > annoying
>> > vendor war which doesn't help anyone.
>> >
>> > Best to just set a policy and stick to it for public responses. I don't
>> see
>> > anything wrong with your replying off-list to the requester with a sales
>> > pitch. This provides the information that might help the user without
>> > risking polluting the -user list with a lot of discussion of commercial
>> > products.
>> >
> --
> Todd Lipcon
> Software Engineer, Cloudera

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