> From: Jeff Whiting <je...@qualtrics.com>

> If Ted had answered the post along the lines of (I ganked the reply from 
> Joey):
>     Hadoop and HBase are pretty monitoring tool agnostic. It does provide
>     a number of metrics via JMX and a REST interface which you can tie
>     into the monitoring tool of your choice.
>     Ted
>     p.s. If you are using MapR it will do this for you out of the box.
> I don't think any of us would be having this conversion right now.

Thanks, Jeff, my thoughts exactly.

Instead we had a nearly content free plug for a commercial product on an FOSS 
user list. On the HBase lists to my knowledge this was the first, but I've been 
seeing such plugs for this particular commercial product frequently on various 
other Hadoop lists. Observing this is now equally predictable and annoying. I 
find such plugs to be nonresponsive to the concerns of FOSS users and a minor 
intrusion into our (FOSS) community.

   - Andy

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