Tomorrow, Friday January 28, we will freeze the Neo4j subversion repository
>From tomorrow and forward Neo4j subversion will be a read only repository.
The continued evolution of the code will move to a new location and a new
version control system: git at
After the freeze of the subversion repository we will start moving the
source code to its new location at

Our hope is that with Github being the largest, fastest growing platform for
social coding, it will lower the barrier for anyone wanting to contribute to
Neo4j. Just fork us!

The repositories should be fully available on Github at some point during
the day tomorrow.
Those of you who have signed our contributed license agreement will get a
separate e-mail, where I'll ask you for your github username to add you to
the list of contributors.

Happy hacking,
Tobias Ivarsson <>
Hacker, Neo Technology
Cellphone: +46 706 534857
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