a tip for the windows-users: 
i have tested http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/ for windows about a year 
ago - if you ever have to use windows and have no ide with a git-scm support - 
it maybe helpfull.  
(anybody uses windows by choice here?)

there is no need to make snapshot-tars available. in github you could download 
the sourcetree for each commit as tar.gz (or zip) archive.
of course there have to be some tags or branches to get the right version. the 
maven-release plugin helps much doing this (i think tobias is aware of that)

the move to git is really great and makes it now much more easy to contribute.

cheers thomas

Am 27.01.2011 um 15:24 schrieb Rick Bullotta:

> I definitely understand the reason for wanting to use Git, with the more
> frequent forks and branches of late, but I do think it would be helpful to
> make snapshot builds *with source* available for download as ZIPs or TARs as
> well.  For those of us on Windows, there are practical limitations to how
> many shell add-ins we can install (right now, I have to use CVS with Mozilla
> stuff, SVN with our hosted Atlassian JIRA system, and now it looks like I'll
> also need to use Git for Neo

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