On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 10:17 PM, maxdemarzi <maxdema...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Tero Paananen wrote:
> >
> > Additionally I don't find adding a join keyword to a query language that
> > queries a data store that has no joins better in any shape or form.
> >
> That is one way of looking at it, another way of looking at it is that all
> the tables are already joined.
> Not sure how we can say a graph database "has no joins".
> Now, we don't have to throw out anything.  If this is pie in the sky talk
> anyway, we can have it both ways.
> (1) lucy-[:ACTS_IN]->movie
> (2) lucy-[:ACTS_IN]-movie
> (3) lucy<-[:ACTS_IN]-movie
> (4) lucy out(:acts_in) movie
> (5) lucy both(:acts_in) movie
> (6) lucy in(:acts_in) movie
> What I like about spelling out the relationship direction is:
> A. You avoid typo errors.  Was it -- or ->, look how close 1 and 2 are.
> B. You know right away which direction you are going.  Compare 1 and 2, vs
> 4
> and 5.  At the 6th character in both 4 and 5, you know which direction it
> is.  You have to get to the 17th character in 1 and 2.
> C. We read left to right so:
> -- 1 reads: lucy via relationship acts_in outgoing to movie,
> -- 2 reads: lucy via relationship acts_in both to movie
> -- 3 reads, lucy incoming via relationship acts_in to movie
> That is inconsistent.
> Try:
> -- 4 reads, lucy outgoing via relationshp acts_in to movie
> -- 5 reads, lucy both via relationshp acts_in to movie
> -- 6 reads, lucy incoming via relationshp acts_in to movie
> D. try (a)-->(b)-->(c)-->(d)--(e)-->(f)-->(g)   #did you catch the both
> relationship between d and e?  or did your eyes scan over it?  If you're
> debugging someone else's code, was it a typo or did they intend it that
> way?
> If you spell it out there is no ambiguity.
> Anyway, if the --> syntax is polarizing (as it seems to be) then *give
> people the choice* to use whichever they prefer.

Love the idea. Why didn't I think of that? All of Cypher is made out of
bits and pieces that I've stolen from others anyway - I think I want to
steal this one too.

Being able to have these discussions with our users is a luxury that I'm
very happy about - thank you!

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