
Could you elaborate on what you find distastful about Velocity? I've
just started using it as my primary presentation layer tool in struts,
because i found the templating language so clean and clear. The ablitiy
to stick what ever object i'd like in its context, and then refer to it
in a simple intuitive language construct was fresh air for me. Tastes
vary, i know, but maybe you've run across things i haven't yet, that
turned you off.


On Sun, 2004-07-18 at 23:56, Rick Reumann wrote:
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
> > For applications you are about to start on, if it is your intent to
> > use the Struts HTML tags for your view tier, you should review that
> > decision in the light of the developments of the last few months,
> > since the JSF spec went final, to say nothing of the availability of
> > alternative view tier technologies (XML, Velocity, ...) that work with
> > Struts as well.  If these tags work for you, that's fine ... but be
> > aware that you are buying in to a mature technology that is unlikely
> > to change much in the future.
> Craig, can you elaborate on this a bit more? I'm confused because if you 
> went with a different front end presentation other than JSP and Struts 
> HTML form tags, why would it matter that you chose Struts HTML tags for 
> the JSP portion? If you later chose an XML/XSLT or Velocity 
> (yuk:)solution for your view you'd end up scrapping the JSPs altogether 
> anyway so why would it matter what tags you used to build the JSPs that 
> you would be replacing? Or are you basically saying to not even bothr 
> using JSPs for a front end view? (I've seen good velocity templates and 
> I'll take a *clean* JSP using JSTL and tags over Velocity any day of the 
> week). Thanks for your thoughts and all your work on Struts, JSF, 
> Tomcat, etc.

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