From: "Andrew Close" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 2) Wendy gave me a
> slightly different approach to try by calling the function and setting
> the values of the hidden fields and then submitting.  however, two of
> the hidden fields are set upon arrival to the page by my action form.
> but they are not being picked up when i leave.
> all of this works flawlessly when using a submit button. :)

[Sorry, I didn't recognize this as the same issue from yesterday.]

That doesn't make sense... either the element is on the form, or it's not.
It shouldn't matter if the form gets submitted with a button or
document.forms[0].submit().  Do you have a 'debug.jsp' that you can include
at the bottom of all of your pages to dump the request/session

And... that submit button of yours... its name isn't by any chance "submit"
is it?  If so, JavaScript might get confused between 'submit' the form
element and 'submit()' the function.  Try changing it to 'userAction' or
something else, or just comment it out for now.

Wendy Smoak

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