At 10:16 AM 7/28/2004, you wrote:
Sorry Michael, i wasn't ignoring you.  you must've responded to each
of my responses to the others. :)

the original problem was that i have to add a product to the database.
when the user clicks the initial add button they are taken to a page
that has three links on it.

Add Member Product

Add NonMmeber Product

Add Product via Search

this intermediary page is a form that also contains three hidden
fields.  first is productType (member, nonmember or search)  the other
two fields contain values relating to the customer passed from the
previous page when the customer clicked the add button.
looking at the source for the current page with the three links on it
reveals that the two hidden values from the previous page are set and
the third, prodType, is blank.  when the user clicks on one of the
three links a small javascript function populates the third hidden
field, prodType, before submitting the form.  in my actionform and
action i see the prodType but not the other two customer variables
that were on the form.

so i need to be give the customer the ability to add a new product to
the database.  there are three different types of products that can be
added and the type needs to be determined up front so the customer can
be directed to the appropriate form/page.  hyperlinks were preferred
to multiple submit buttons.  and radio buttons with a single submit
button were ruled out.

Apparently you want to use a goofy solution. This whole problem is easily solved with multiple submit buttons with JavaScript. The hyperlink solution is just goofy, and if you insist on using that, good luck to you. I don't like to work on bad solutions. Why anyone would prefer a hyperlink to submit a form over a submit button is wholly beyond me. This is just poor coding. If you want a simple and good solution using multiple submit buttons, let us know. If you want to use a bizarre solution that has nothing to do with Struts, then I will leave you alone. I personally think you got off on the hyperlink solution because your previous inquiries (I used google to see where else you had gone with this problem) ended up in mistaken conclusions. I just hope this thread does not convince others that your solution is in any way required. To all you future readers: this solution is not required and is goofy. LOL ///;-) Seriously, Andy, good luck.


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