Am 27.06.2013 12:43, schrieb Antonios Gkogkakis:
I assume you are on Struts2.

Yes, I am, more precisely I am migrating an application from Webwork to Struts2.

I'm not familiar with the ${} expression, but you are right, there is an
OGNL null handler that will instantiate objects for you if they are null,
so the behaviour we see makes sense, which means that you don't have a
certificate in the value stack.

How do you access your view ? Prior to getting your view, you should have
an action that gets executed in an Action class which has a certificate
field, which gets populated prior to returning to the view.

I definitely have an Action class with a certificate field, the action also gets called within that Action class, but how do I populate the certificate field? I thought that was done automatically as it is a field of the Action class.


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