Am 27.06.2013 12:59, schrieb Antonios Gkogkakis:
But how would the framework know with what to populate it?

You either do it manually in the body of the action that you execute to
reach the view ,e.g.,

certificate = //logic to get the certificate

or you can implement the ModelDriven interface which has a method (prepare
I think) that gets called prior to executing the action

Thank you for that information, another gap closed :) I tested something that had similar results but wasnt sure if I understood what was happening correctly.

So I checked the jsp code further, and certificate is defined in the surrounding forEach

<c:forEach var="certificate" items="${request.localCertificates}">

Which is a JSTL Core tag, how can I access these vars from struts tags? Or is nesting struts and JSTL tags a very bad idea?

I thought that forEach line was pushing the certificate onto the ValueStack but then I would be able to read it via certificate anywhere within the forEach enclosing lines right?


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Kryptografische Unterschrift

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