Craig McClanahan wrote:

On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 20:12:58 -0700, Michael McGrady

I know what you are saying, Langdon, but warn you that a lot of those
solutions on the Googling are really poor solutions.  I am sure you know
that already.

Your definition of "a lot" must be quite different from mine, because
I find this approach to be a very effective problem solving solution.

I find this approach to be a very effective problem solving solution too. So, I am not sure why you think our "definition" of "a lot" (which does not have a "definition", of course, but different uses) "must be quite different". I usually find, in fact, that Googling leads me to something better than I thought, and much of what I have left as a trail is what I would call a "really poor solution".

Of course, there is no way to tell whether any particular proposed
solution is going to work or not, but I am much more likely to try
something out than to believe someone who makes unsubstantiated

I am not sure what this means. I was suggesting newcomers use books rather than Googling. I am sure you don't mean books make "unsubstantiated generalizations".

Note that I'm not judging solutions on the basis of whether I *like*
them or not -- I judge them just as much based on whether they *work*
or not. I'll be happy to discuss what I believe to be the
consequences of particular approaches, but I'm not a "my way or the
highway" sort of person about *any* technical decision. How about

I don't like the "my way or the highway" sort of person either. I believe that good old fashioned debate is likely to find a good, better, way, however, and am not solipsistic about life. What ticks me off is when people use political position, group dynamics, name calling, misinformation, etc. to turn a debate in favor of a solution that does not advance "the common cause" but their own selves. I can be a real pain in the butt when I think that is going on.


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