Langdon Stevenson wrote:


I am in a pretty similar position to you in that I am now to Struts (also new to Java).

I downloaded the Jakata Struts Live PDF document and worked through the tutorials there in.


Others in my team have the books and find them of little value.

I am doing fine without a printed text. Google is better for problem solving. You will quickly find an answer to almost every Struts question you could imagine out there on the net. Any that you can't find yourself, this group can answer.

I would save the dollars (spend it on faster bandwidth if you have to!). If you are prepared to search, read, and problem solve, then the net is the most complete and up to date source of information.


I know what you are saying, Langdon, but warn you that a lot of those solutions on the Googling are really poor solutions. I am sure you know that already.

Michael McGrady

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