Leon Rosenberg wrote:

Modern OSes, office suites or business software.
Modern guis, with integrated media support, integrated audio/video broad-
and unicasts, animations, sounds, and so on...

Would you be able to code them with c? Forget it.
Why wouldn't I? We used to code most anything of importance in C, yanno, including some pretty fancy stuff.

BeOS was written in C/C++, and that was pretty nifty. Plato and Lotus Notes was all or mostly C, at least at the beginning, wasn't it?

Now, a pissy web-portal has more functionallity then the whole supercalc suite.
Really? Depends on what you mean by functionality, I suppose. Supercalc could (and did) run businesses. I can't run a business with a portal.

And talking about "complicated" and "simplicity"... What is simplier to
read, 10 classes a 20 lines java code, or 5000 lines of assembler code doing
the same?
Guess that depends on what you know. Just like I'd avoid reading 5000 lines of assembly, I'd avoid reading 200 lines of Java, and read the documentation. A lot of the assembly coding I did ended up being mini-languages that would assemble to the actual code (sort of like a JVM, I suppose) so I didn't have to read 5000 lines, I just read the 200 lines that actually solved the problem, just like in the Java: I only read the code that's important.

That said, the majority of low-level programming I did on bare-metal systems was in Forth, so I rarely had to look at my assembly code once it was written and tested.

Nobody has said that "modern"* languages don't give you anything. All I said was that _I_ think patterns can be over-used, that _I_ was more productive using 15-year old SmallTalk and Lisp environments, and that I have yet to be convinced that much of what people think is so great about today's languages, platforms, tools, etc. is necessarily a Good Thing: I am consistently more impressed by programmers that learned to program in my era than today. Relax, it's okay.


* What's a "modern" language, anyway? What features does a "modern" language have? I don't think Java is as widely used as it is because it's interesting or powerful, it was just a better C++ with marketing.

(And I'm only partially playing devil's advocate here.)

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